Working on something new

After leaving Dataiku, I decided to embark on a new journey and took some time to explore freelancing. I was happy working outside the software and data sector, even though my missions were somewhat data-related. Working for instance for Feve and ADLIN allowed me to discover the worlds of farming and biology.

Over the months, I encountered familiar problems several times, surely because my ear is particularly sharp after my years of experience in the world of data. I have had several discussions with individuals who are not data scientists or data analysts, and who don't work for large corporations, yet are unable to find a solution to their data-related challenges. And, when faced with this issue, they usually have resorted to enrolling in coding bootcamps. Others still rely on good old Excel, but with many complaints. People I've worked with know how much I center my work around democratization and accessibility.

So, here I go again. I am embarking on a new adventure that takes me back to my roots, data software, for new personas this time — perhaps exploring new sectors or working with individuals with varying levels of data proficiency. More details will be revealed in the weeks ahead.

EDIT: This new adventure is Tabulate.